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We are a Year 2/3 class. We are learning how to communicate with our community and people all around the world.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Roald Dahl Experts

Mrs T has read most of the Roald Dahl books with us over term 1 and 2 and we really enjoyed them all. Here are some book quiz questions for you Roald Dahl experts to answer . . .

1.) What sort of pets did Mr and Mrs Twit keep in their garden?
2.) Who did George make the medicine for in "George's Marvellous Medicine"?
3.) What was Willy Wonka very good at making in his factory?
4.) What was the principal's name in "Matilda"?
5.) What horrible food did the BFG have to eat in Giant Country?

The BFG illustration was drawn by Ella :)

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